Crawling Out of Debt

Jennifer McClung
2 min readAug 30, 2020

by greatfullgrowth founder Jennifer McClung, published 8/27/2020

  • Are you losing sleep at night worrying about your debt?
  • Is worrying about money distracting you from work or family?
  • Are discussions about your money impacting your personal relationships?
  • Does thinking about your current debt load leave you feeling hopeless?
  • Have you stopped answering the phone to avoid calls from credit card companies or debt collectors?

If you answered yes to any of the above, know that you are not alone. Debt is a common situation for many, but it is possible to get out of debt. Notice we said “get” not “sprint.” You likely didn’t end up in debt over night, and you will be more successful and happier overall if you don’t expect yourself (or try) to get out of debt overnight.

Here’s What You Can Do to Get Out Of Debt

Here are some highlights that are part of an upcoming book Moneynial: The Financial Guide for Millennials by Jennifer McClung and Vimal Vichhani. These concepts are also covered in an excellent course offered by greatfullgrowth (founded by Jennifer McClung).

Once you know what your essential expenses are then you can determine what your available funds are to put toward debt. Too often, people cave into aggressive creditors and send them more money than they can afford. Then you end up unable to take care of essential expenses like rent and transportation setting up a perpetuation of the cycle of falling deeper into debt and despair.

These are just a few summary steps to help you get started. We encourage you to take the first step to crawl out of debt. Join our course Creating a Spending Blueprint to dive deeper on how to handle your financial life and stay tuned for our book releasing in November.

Originally published at



Jennifer McClung

Founder of greatfullgrowth; committed to helping rising professionals grow. Passionate about developing programs & strategy that provide vision for the future.